Many young people, as well as some not so young, easily confuse astrology and astronomy. When we try to explain the differences between the two we let people see our true beliefs about astrology. I have heard astronomy explained as a real scientific study of the stars while astrology was witch magic that offered some sort of explanation that was anything but scientific. These explanations are not entirely
accurate, but who can argue with a voice of reason.
Astrology is often overlooked as a science because television has skewed the view. It’s pretty simple that TV can alter the viewers’ minds and most people feel that the late night commercials for your two minute free astrology reading are simply just hoaxes with special effects. The more you start to compare astrology and astronomy the more you realize that they have quite a bit in common. So what if the television wants to display an astrologer as a crazy lady with ear rings that circle her entire face and a turban on her head. The magic crystal ball they often set right in front of her doesn’t help the image much.
But astrology and astronomy are both based on the study of the stars. The stars can offer us a wealth of information and those who can successfully interpret that knowledge is in some way a science aficionado. The stars will remain a huge mystery to us for more generations to come. The study of the stars by astronomers and astrology experts will always be an interesting point of contention. But does that mean that either one is more right than another?